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Chris Ramirez

The State Press

Devil Dish

The similarities are eerie. A hard-hitting college football player. Star of his team. Hoping to play ...

The State Press

Devil Dish

Though the NBA's regular season is at its end, the debate as to who is this year's most valuable player ...

The State Press

Devil Dish

Major League Baseball opened its season on American soil Sunday night with who else but President Bush ...

The State Press

Devil Dish

Politics entered the sports world in recent years thanks to a bunch of bloated baseball players.

The State Press

Devil Dish

I think in another life, or maybe somewhere down the road in this one, I want to coach football.

The State Press

Devil Dish

Writing about sports for a career, despite having some drawbacks such as late nights and little pay, ...

The State Press

Devil Dish

Better late than never, NBA commission David Stern has finally made it to town.

The State Press

Devil Dish

Two and half years ago I thought I had all I could take. The Boston Red Sox were amidst a yearlong love ...

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