From the editor
State Press Magazine's 2023-2024 Editor-in-Chief reflects on the past year of the magazine.
Camila Pedrosa is the Editor-in-Chief for The State Press Magazine. This is her fifth semester working with the magazine, and she has previously written for Cronkite News, The Arizona Republic and The Copper Courier.
State Press Magazine's 2023-2024 Editor-in-Chief reflects on the past year of the magazine.
Despite journalism schools having a significant amount of women in their student bodies, newsrooms haven't ...
ASU President Michael Crow spoke to The State Press Thursday regarding student housing, ASU football, ...
ASU has been ranked No. 1 in innovation for 8 years straight, the only university to receive the award. ...
The ASU Learning Futures Collaboratory is researching VR and XR in an educational context, but there ...
Indigenous students are finding wellness among each other and receiving aid from the University, both ...
Una pieza satírica donde relato mi viaje ficticio a cuatro restaurantes frecuentados por estudiantes ...
A satirical piece where I recount my fictional journey to four restaurants frequented by ASU students, ...
Estoy terminando mi proceso de obtención de la ciudadanía, que me ha llevado 17 años y medio, casi ...
I'm finishing up my process of obtaining citizenship, which has taken me 17 and a half years — almost ...
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