The fear of missing out will cost you
Being a college student can get expensive, especially as fear of missing out influences students' spending habits.
Being a college student can get expensive, especially as fear of missing out influences students' spending habits.
The arts force the public to reckon with the implications of abstract policy. We need artists now more than ever.
The commutation of Chelsea Manning should be exalted.
The Obamacare repeal could cost students in the long run. In order to protect their benefits, students must make their voices heard.
House Bill 2120 would have fostered hate and represents a dangerous infringement on free speech. Students should remain vigilant against these types of legislation.
Before the NBA thinks about putting a team in Mexico City, they need to remember the Seattle fans who lost their Supersonics
Increasing the NFL regular season creates an opportunity for exciting changes that will further engage fans.
The City of Tempe is reworking the area around campus. Parking is harder today for a more walkable downtown tomorrow.
The State Press Editorial Board opposes House Bill 2260, which would pose a threat to the voting rights of Arizona college students.
A Trump presidency looks hopeless for the LGBT community due to his cabinet picks and general lack of support.
The nationwide Women's Marches may be the biggest demonstrations in United States history.
Communicating with your partner about sex will create a healthier sex life overall.
The U.S. should look to Denmark's tax system to find a solution for the burden of student debt. The high cost of college shouldn't deter students from pursuing a higher education.
Self love, while difficult to practice, is empowering and necessary.
As technology continues to advance, so do modern relationships – and affairs. Emotional infidelity can be just as damaging as physical infidelity.
Making the case for the beard to take the NBA's MVP award in 2017, first Sun Devil to ever do it.
The EPA fight is a distraction state legislators will use if activists let them.
Bilingualism gives students the means to communicate on a global scale. Students should take advantage of ASU's many language and linguistics programs.
Fans and players alike are increasingly disinterested by the Pro Bowl. When compared to all-star formats in other major league sports, the Pro Bowl falls short.
Michael Floyd is suffering from alcoholism, and the NFL needs to help him before he hurts himself or somebody around him.
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