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Coyotes Arena Moving

Tempe does not need the burden of an NHL stadium

Tempe residents and ASU students should not be enchanted by the flash of a proposed hockey arena. Historical trends in similar projects suggest that the economic benefits promised by a new arena are scarcely realized.


The State Press

Editorial: Texting your life away

It takes only a few seconds to send a text message. It takes a whole lot less than that to kill someone with your car. The Arizona Senate, for the second time, voted down a ban on texting while driving on state highways Tuesday.


The State Press

POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Under-22 cut illogical move

Bill proposes to lower the standard minimum wage of workers under 22. The bill mandates that these workers will receive 75 percent of the current minimum wage — from $7.25, to $5.44 an hour for the remainder of 2010 until December 31, 2013.


The State Press

On health care reform, proceed ‘wisely, and slow’

Unless someone is willing to make a case for the hard truths that could someday save the healthcare system Congress should either do the small and safe things that will ease the immediate pain without remaking the American economy, or they should do nothing.




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