Sun Devil dad cooks up 800,000 followers, 9 million likes on TikTok
An ASU dad is finding internet fame and connecting with his family through his cooking videos on TikTok.
An ASU dad is finding internet fame and connecting with his family through his cooking videos on TikTok.
The #LandBack Movement is highlighted in ASU Libraries during Native American Heritage Month to bring attention to Indigenous peoples' perspectives and histories.
The University has added 130 positive COVID-19 tests since Monday among students and faculty.
As they prepare to return home until the spring semester, some students reflect on their decision to come to Tempe and their experience this semester.
Active COVID-19 cases increased in Monday night's update and helped push cumulative cases to above 3,000.
ASU is offering free noncredit courses students can take in between semesters to remain academically engaged and learn new skills.
The Center for Indian Education is hosting a series of five webinars to commemorate their work.
Student workers and employers have had to adapt their programs to transition virtually as University operations have moved and remained online.
Active COVID-19 cases decreased by 102 since Monday's update to a total of 347 within the ASU community.
Requiren is an online platform where customers can request custom paintings from artists around the country.
Student clubs and organizations search for service opportunities amid pandemic.
On-campus students deciding whether to renew their on-campus housing for the 2021-2022 school year are apprehensive as the application period nears.
Internship experiences vary vastly this year as ASU students are struggling to find employment opportunities during the pandemic both in person and remotely.
The suspension of the Tempe-West Express and Mercado routes was due to low ridership, according to ASU Intercampus Shuttles.
Students returning home for the holidays should keep in mind the risks of spreading COVID-19 to family members.
ASU faculty are creating zombified content about apocalyptic cooking, movies, medicine and more.
COVID-19 cases continued to rise Monday night as President Michael Crow took to Twitter and email to address the community.
An email to deans said course work ought to be turned in by Dec. 4, but faculty can extend deadlines.
Four students are working on breaking down ableist systems at ASU through their zine, which shares stories of other students' experiences with ASU Counseling Services
Sit down with student actors to learn about how film creatives are handing the pandemic.
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