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(10/20/21 4:08am)
State Press Magazine spoke to University students who experienced inner growth, positive change and exciting revelations within themselves due to the quarantine and isolation from the coronavirus pandemic. Time away from the pressures and stares of society has given students the chance for introspection and discovery. More excerpts from our conversations with them can be found on our Instagram.
(10/21/21 3:18am)
The wooden drawers look modest at first. With a light pine stain, a metal handle and a small, metallic framed label, they sit stacked in seemingly endless rows and columns.
(10/07/21 3:20am)
La vida estadounidense contemporánea se define cada vez más por nuestra relación íntima con la tecnología siempre floreciente, una fuerza que ha crecido para ser más penetrante y omnipresente.
(10/07/21 2:13am)
Contemporary American living is increasingly defined by our intimate relationship with ever-flourishing technology. As humanity develops, so does our technology, growing to be more pervasive and omnipresent.
(10/15/21 3:35am)
Content warning: This story discusses graphic sexual assault.
(10/08/21 4:02am)
Everything I've ever known has been at the discretion of the U.S. government.
(10/14/21 4:35am)
Todo lo que he sabido ha estado a discreción del gobierno de EE. UU.
(09/15/21 3:47am)
En junio de 2021, yo encontré una camiseta gráfica que representa Marsha P. Johnson, la ahora célebre líder del movimiento por los derechos de los homosexuales, en una Target suburbana. Esta imagen demuestra a Johnson sosteniendo una señal de protesta que indica “poder del pueblo.” La camiseta se vende por quince dólares más impuestos.
(09/16/21 3:31am)
“Solo se siente como una cosa tras otra”, dijo la Senadora Estatal Jamescita Peshlakai, con tono de angustia. Peshlakai describió las dolorosas realidades de sus electores en el noroeste de Arizona mientras ellos continúan lidiando con los efectos del calentamiento global. Las familias que viven en la reserva indigena están experimentando las consecuencias del cambio climático exclusivamente en la región, incluyendo la pérdida de plantas medicinales, la destrucción de la agricultura vital y los restos humeantes de los incendios que se deslizan hacia el desierto árido.
(09/14/21 4:00am)
El marcador muestra un empate de 6-6 en el final de la novena entrada. Mientras la mayoría de la atención del público está enfocada en el plato donde Ethan Long, un estudiante de primer año de ASU, se prepara a enfrentar al Jake Mulholland, el lanzador de Oregon State University, Long sabe que el arma secreta de los Devils está justo a su derecho en en la caseta.
(09/14/21 3:39am)
The scoreboard shows a 6-6 tie at the bottom of the ninth inning. While most of the crowd's attention is focused on home plate where ASU freshman, Ethan Long, prepares to face Oregon State University pitcher Jake Mulholland, Long knows the Devils' secret weapon is just to his right in the home dugout.
(09/10/21 2:12am)
Sakura Thomas mandó un mensaje electrónico a ASU Housing el 8 de enero, solicitando una residencia universitaria de género neutro, una opción para estudiantes que prefieren elegir su compañero de cuarto independientemente de su género.
(09/09/21 9:20pm)
Carlos Díaz estaba viendo las noticias cuando la solución de un problema que lo ha perseguido durante toda una década salió al aire en la emisión de la noche.
(09/09/21 2:51am)
Carlos Diaz was watching the news when the solution to a problem that’s haunted him for a decade happened to air in the evening broadcast.
(09/15/21 3:31am)
In June of 2021, I found a graphic t-shirt depicting Marsha P. Johnson, the now-celebrated gay rights movement leader, in a suburban Target. The image shows Johnson holding a protest sign that reads “power to the people.” The shirt sells for $15 plus tax.
(09/16/21 1:45am)
"It just feels like one thing after another," state Sen. Jamescita Peshlakai said, her tone soaked in anguish as she described the painful realities of her constituents in northeast Arizona. She told stories she says her colleagues in the legislature can't fathom. Families living on the Native American reservation are experiencing consequences of climate change unique to the region, including the loss of medicinal plants, the destruction of vital agriculture and the smoky remnants of fires slithering into the arid desert.
(09/10/21 1:53am)
Sakura Thomas emailed ASU Housing on Jan. 8, requesting gender inclusive housing for the upcoming school year, a dorming option for students who prefer to choose their roommate regardless of biological sex.
(07/19/21 5:47pm)
Jarrett Lowe spent a lot of time to himself when the coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S. in March 2020, often browsing TikTok and Twitch. But that time wasn’t spent watching viral dance videos.
(04/15/21 1:59am)
When the Pac-12 canceled all conference athletic competitions in the fall, it was widely regarded as a necessary decision amid a pandemic. Athletes, coaches and fans came to terms with the fact their seasons would not follow a normal timeframe. While football eventually got its chance to compete, dozens of other Division I sports were either canceled or delayed to the spring semester. This means teams like volleyball, soccer and cross country are now occupying the same space on the calendar as traditional winter and spring sports like basketball and baseball.
(04/23/21 1:43am)
Hundreds of cars file through 12 lanes to wait the required 15 minutes post-vaccine as late as midnight on a Friday. Most people appear excited to receive their vaccine, others look tired and ready to crawl into bed.