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Need a break? State Press staff offers top 5 silly ways to unwind

In case no one at ASU is teaching you how to relax


"Here's what we recommend you do to kick back and relax as a reward for showing up to class. Go on, you deserve it. After all, you did start that one assignment, right?"

Spring break might be over, but the collective exhaustion we feel after just opening Canvas to look at the assignments due this week is enough evidence that a week's rest is not enough for a month of pain.

Taking a nap between classes is classic, but there are many other ways in which you can get a much-needed moment of relaxation.

Here's what we recommend you do to kick back and relax as a reward for showing up to class. Go on, you deserve it. After all, you did start that one assignment, right? 

5. Floor time

A classic that never fails to make me feel better is laying on the floor and playing music. This fine-tuned technique works best when you're laying in a dark room and playing music in your headphones. It might look a little weird to your roommates, but this technique works better than a power nap — and also has the fringe benefit of soothing a painful back. We know you need it for your bad posture.

4. Water time

If you can gather the willpower to turn on the shower and actually get in, this one comes heavily recommended. Spending some time showering or taking a warm bath relaxes your muscles and takes you away from the rest of the world. Look at fish. Don't those guys seem relaxed?

3. "Housewives" franchise

Sometimes, all you need to do is to turn your brain off and bear witness to a frenzy of nonstop drama. Watching other people argue and live in really fancy houses is a unique form of escapism that was granted to us by the good people of Hulu. Some heroes don’t wear capes, they wear fabulous dresses. 

2. Dance party

If you find the idea of dancing in public terrifying (like some of us), you will be happy to hear that having a dance party by yourself is an enlightening experience. Blast your guilty pleasure party music playlist, close your door and start a party as you feel all your stress vanishing. 

1. LEGO tower + "Tinker Bell"

This truly state-of-the-art method is certainly worth trying out. It involves using the LEGOs you got on Christmas many years ago and putting them to use, along with a viewing of a "Tinker Bell" movie. It is nearly impossible not to relax while watching a classic like "Tinker Bell" and making a LEGO tower.

While it may appear random at face value, the "Tinker LEGO" method has been rigorously tested and refined by our staff for public use. 

Edited by Andrew Dirst, Sophia Ramirez and Katrina Michalak. 

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Kasturi TaleThe Echo Reporter

Kasturi is a sophomore studying journalism. This is her third semester with The State Press. She has her own blog and has worked in creative writing.

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