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BREAKING: Non-student arrested for alleged trespassing outside of Vista del Sol

The incident is still under investigation by police

Vista Breaking.jpg

Skyline of west Tempe from the top of the Vista Del Sol parking garage on Monday, Oct. 7, 2024, in Tempe.

ASU police arrested a non-student at approximately 10 p.m. Thursday for alleged criminal trespassing. The individual attempted to break into the gates securing the Vista del Sol dorms, according to an ASU Police Department spokesperson.

According to the spokesperson, the non-student allegedly attempted to flee the scene, evading officers before the arrest was made.

"We always want to show our number one priority with PD is students, staff and faculty," said the spokesperson about ensuring safety on campus.

The incident is still under police investigation. 

This story is developing and may be updated. 

Edited by George Headley, Sophia Braccio and Katrina Michalak. 

 Reach the reporter at and follow @miaosmonbekov on X.

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