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The geed's guide to non-Greek life

Navigating Panhellenic friendships from outside the GLV


“There’s so many ways you can meet friends on such a big campus you know? You don’t need a sorority for that.”

As the dust settles and fall rush comes to a close, non-sorority students find new constraints placed on their friends who committed to a sisterhood in ASU's Panhellenic Council

Joining Greek life at ASU comes with a general rulebook and strict agendas for members, leaving many non-sorority friends behind to navigate opposing schedules. Students outside of Greek life take on the popularized term "geed," according to Urban Dictionary

"You don't have to be in a sorority to fit in with your friends," said Emily Phan, a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and a sophomore studying neuroscience. "They will still make time for you."

Phan said there is not "a big difference," in her friendships between those not involved in sisterhood, if anything it gave her friends more insight into her life. 

Time commitments

Members often find their time consumed with numerous mandatory events spread throughout the semester. Some of the biggest events being rushing and Philanthropy Week, an organized charitable effort on the houses' behalf.

Regina Inweh, a sophomore studying nursing, has observed her friend losing free time because of her transition into Greek life. Inweh said recently "she literally couldn't come out of the house," due to setting up for Bid Day.  

Most of the time, her friend is occupied with chapter meetings and event planning rather than leisure.

"I finish my class later in the day but then (her friend) has chapter meetings in the evening, so I don't always get to see her after class," Inweh said. 

READ MORE: ASU Panhellenic sorority recruitment overview and tips for 2023


Sorority members are presented with the option to move into the Greek Life Village located at the Tempe campus, separate from ASU housing.   

The rules governing the GLV are not restrictive when it comes to visitors, with the exception of the opposite gender between the times of midnight and 7 a.m. The lack of strict regulations helps maintain connections outside of the sisterhood.

"Girls can come whenever they please, except during rush because that's seen as 'dirty rushing.'" Phan said.  

"Dirty rushing" is unfairly recruiting non-members during the rush, this can come in many forms such as invitations to the GLV and meeting with people currently rushing outside sisterhood events. After Bid Day these parameters pass until spring rush, according to Phan.  


About 50% of sorority events allow only active members, such as chapter meetings and networking opportunities, while the other half allow non-sorority members as plus ones, according to Sofia Little, a member of Sigma Kappa and a sophomore studying fashion. 

"Some perks of being in a sorority is that I am able to share, with my friends outside of Greek life, our events where we do plus ones which includes our date parties," Little said. 

Date parties take place about once a month and allow sorority members to bring a plus one. The parties have themes, dresses and venues, much like a high school formal.

Little said, one theme from a past Sigma Kappa party was about crushes which was her favorite date party experience.

"I was able to bring one of my friends … and I was able to show them how much fun we had and what it's like being a part of a sorority," Little said. "They were able to meet all of my friends in Greek life that they normally wouldn't have met." 

Many events welcoming non-sorority members take place during Philanthropy Week, such as yoga on the GLV grass.

Sisterhood outside of "Sisterhood" 

One of the purposes of the Panhellenic council is to build communities and offer networking opportunities to students. Even without Greek life, students find their own ways to make close connections around ASU. 

"There's so many ways you can meet friends on such a big campus, you know?" Inweh said. "You don't need a sorority for that."

Edited by Senna James, Abigail Beck and Natalia Jarrett.

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