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State Press Play: The future of Devil's Advocate up in the air, or is it?

Plus, tune in to find out what you should expect this week based on your star sign and about how Gamma Rho Lamda, an LGBTQ+ sorority, is celebrating 20 years

"State Press Play." Illustration published on Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021.

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Gabriella Fernbaugh:

If your week isn’t going so well, it’s probably because Mercury is in retrograde. But what does that even mean?

Amber Victoria Singer:

Our resident astrology expert breaks it down.

Gabriella Fernbaugh:

I’m Gabriella Fernbaugh.

Amber Victoria Singer:

I’m Amber Victoria Singer, and this is State Press Play.

Gabriella Fernbaugh:

Also this week on State Press Play, ASU’s first sorority geared toward LGBTQ+ people celebrates 20 years. But first, a beloved ASU-themed bar walking distance from the Tempe campus has an expiration date.

Amber Victoria Singer:

Will something replace Devil’s Advocate when its lease is up? State Press podcast reporter Audrey Sadlier spoke with State Press Politics reporter Phineas Hogan to find out.

Audrey Sadlier:

Thank you for joining me Phineas.

Phineas Hogan:

Hi, thank you so much, Audrey. I appreciate it.

Audrey Sadler:
You're so welcome. So tell me a little bit about Devil's Advocate and why there's a possibility for the sports bar/restaurant to close for demolition.

Phineas Hogan:

So last week, AZ central reported that Aspirant which is a Scottsdale based development of Empire Group, they want to come in and build a luxury high rise apartment as everyone wants to do in Tempe, on the land that Devil's lays on. And so they bought the plot that Devil’s in on and also an adjacent plot that has like a self-storage facility, I think, and they have plans to go in, knock it down, build up this like crazy high, high rise place, I think it's like, there's gonna be like stores in the bottom, a restaurants and stuff. And it's definitely aimed at more of like a luxury high-paying audience rather than students and like, right on the campus like border. Yeah. And so they just have plans for that at this point. And I think it's this week, they had the city council meeting where they're going to kind of go and approve or deny it. But I know that like Tempe city residential review board, already accepted the plan. But the problem is, is that they can't do anything until Devil’s lease is up, they signed with the former owner of the property, and the people who used to own the building until 2029. This is their second 10 year lease they've signed, the first one they signed expired in 2019. And they renewed that. And so Aspirant and Empire, I mean, like that they have plans, they have this grand plan, vision, but they really can't do anything until A: Stetser or Jarred Stetser, he's the one who owns Devil's Advocate, until he sells the lease to Empire, or the lease expires, which will be in September 2029.

To hear more from Hogan, please tune in to State Press Play.



Gabriella Fernbaugh:

Has your energy been off lately? Maybe it's because Mercury is in retrograde. Don’t worry, State Press Echo reporter Sophia Garcia has the astrological news you need to get you through this week. 

Gabriella Fernbaugh:

So, Sophia, before we talk about what each sign can expect this week, how do you actually come up with the horoscopes?

Sophia Garcia: 

Well what I like to do is I get inspiration from other articles online and I kind of make a mashup of ideas together to make a new horoscope for the week, and I also wanted to incorporate like the angle of being a college student, and also mixing in advice on how to go forward throughout the school year.

Gabriella Fernbaugh:

As Virgo season begins, what shifts in energy might some signs notice? 

Sophia Garcia: 

For Virgos I would say focus on your aspirations and figure out what fulfills you outside of campus life. Try to balance life with school and your personal life as well. 

To hear more from Garcia, please tune in to State Press Play.



Amber Victoria Singer:

Gamma Rho Lambda, a sorority that started at ASU, is celebrating its 20 year anniversary. 

Gabriella Fernbaugh:

Audrey spoke with State Press Opinion columnist Aaron Stigle to learn more. 

Amber Victoria Singer:

And just a note -- you may hear some background noise from Aaron’s roommate.

Audrey Sadlier:

So tell me a little bit about Gamma Rho Lambda. How does it differ from other sororities and fraternities within ASU Greek Life?

Aaron Stigle:

Yeah, yeah. So Gamma Rho Lambda is one of many ASU sororities and fraternities because ASU Greek life is huge, but it differs itself in that it is very much it's all gender inclusive. And not only that, it's also LGBTQ plus inclusive, which according to one of its members, it's the only one currently at ASU that is formerly that way like that is what it's about. That is what it is.

To hear more from Stigle, please tune in to State Press Play.



Gabriella Fernbaugh:

And that’s all for this week’s State Press Play. I’m Gabriella Fernbaugh.

Amber Victoria Singer:

And I’m Amber Victoria Singer. You can follow State Press on X and Instagram @statepress. 

Gabriella Fernbaugh:

State Press Play is produced and mixed by the State Press podcast desk editor, who happens to be my co-host this week. Hey Amber!

Amber Victoria Singer:

Hey! Additional editing was done by our managing team, Alexis Heichman and Reece Andrews. Our original music is by Jake Leroux and Ellie Willard.

Gabriella Fernbaugh:

You can check out all these stories and more on See you next week, Devils.

Audrey SadlierCommunity Reporter

Audrey is a junior studying journalism and mass communication. This is here third semester with The State Press.

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