After 1,245 administered tests last week, the number of known positive COVID-19 cases has decreased to 34, according to an update published by the University Monday evening.
In the last update from the University on March 7, ASU administered 3,000 tests among the ASU community and had a total of 62 known positive cases. The tests administered by the University decreased by 1,755, and the total number of positive cases in the ASU community has decreased by 28 cases from the first week of March to the second week.
There are seven positive COVID-19 cases among faculty and staff compared to the last published update of 10 cases. The number of known positive cases in the student body has decreased to 27 from the last update of 52, a total decrease of 25.
Among the 27 cases, one known case resides on an ASU campus. The other 26 student cases reside in off-campus housing.
Starting Monday, ASU began implementing the optional use of masks inside all University buildings and optional participation in the Daily Health Check.
READ MORE: Masks, daily health checks to no longer be required on ASU's campuses
On Monday, the Arizona Department of Health Services reported an increase of 6,549 new COVID-19 cases and 382 new deaths since last week.
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Andrea Ramirez is a part-time reporter at The State Press. She has previously worked for The State Press for Spring ‘23.