Students looking for an interesting class to take for fun or for credit hours can consider these new classes ASU will be offering starting in the fall 2018, as described in the ASU course catalog for the semester:
AFR 368 — Black Religion: Sex, Power and Eroticism
This new African-American studies class looks at sexuality, race and gender and their relationships with each other through the lens of “the religion of the African Disapora and Black religious experience in the Americas.”
Students who want to take the class, offered by the School of Social Transformation, must have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours and have taken and gotten a "C" or higher in either English 102, 105 or 108.
CHS 100/300 — The Science of Happiness
This online class examines the idea of happiness through history and the scientific and social aspects of what it means to be happy. Students practice strategies to improve their mood and examine their happiness level from multiple perspectives.
The only prerequisite for The Science of Happiness is that students complete a minimum of 45 credit hours before taking the class.
FMP 280 — Introduction to Film and Media Production
While other film classes at ASU teach students about concepts of production, this class offers a hands-on perspective of how to make a film from start to finish through teaching basic filmmaking and technology skills.
Offered by the School of Film, Dance and Theatre, the class does not have any prerequisites, allowing any students interested in making their own amateur films to learn and participate.
FRE 414 — French and Italian Popular Culture
This class uses the pop culture of these two countries to examine current day society through food, fashion, design, music and sports such as soccer and cycling. French and Italian Popular Culture uses these aspects, “to shed a light on crucial issues… and its historical and social significance.”
Students do not have to be proficient in French or Italian to take this class. The only requirements are a minimum of 45 credit hours completed and a grade of a "C" or better in English 200.
HCR 245 — Sleep, Sleep Disorders, and Behavior
The class examines all facets of sleep including development, sleep improvement methods, dream analysis and aspects that influence sleep.
Read More: Fall 2018 class aims at improving ASU students’ sleep
HST 377 — Sports in United States History
This hybrid class looks at the history of sports and the context of sports in society through its relationships with race, gender, civil rights, sexuality, activism, capitalism and education among other subjects. Focusing on major professional sports, this class also touches on college sports.
To take the class, students must have completed 30 credit hours and either English 102, 105 or 108 with a "C" or better.
HST 379 — History of College Sports
Another class relating history to sports, HST 379 is taught entirely online and explores the evolution of intercollegiate sports and the relationship between athletics and higher education. Additionally, this class puts American collegiate sports in a global perspective, explores the history of the NCAA and deconstructs current controversies in the world of college sports that exist today and have for many years.
This class also requires the completion of 30 credit hours and English 102, 105 or 108.
PHI 107 — Introduction to Philosophy of Sex and Love
Offered in Tempe, this philosophy class relates sex, love and gender to ethical issues and historical debates concerning marriage, relationships, sexual orientation, consent, pornography and First Amendment rights.
There are no prerequisites to take this class for students who are interested.
PSY 375 — Psychology of Addictive Behavior
This class explores various addictions including gambling, sex and eating, ways of controlling these addictions individually or with clinical assistance, and the psychology behind the entire process. Overall, the class “encourages students to think critically about drug use and dependence and about addictions in general.”
There are no class prerequisites to take PSY 375 — any student interested in psychology and how it relates to concepts of addiction who has completed 45 credit hours can take the class.
SLC 340 — Approaches to International Cinema
This class offers a history of domestic and foreign cinema from the silent film era all the way up to the present. The class examines significant films in terms of aesthetic value and cultural and political context.
The only prerequisites for this class are that students must have received a "C" or better in either English 102, 105 or 108.
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