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Ryan O'Hara appointed as 2016 student trustee to represent students

Polytechnic USG President Ryan O'Hara will represent students among University benefactors

USG Polytechnic President elect Ryan O'Hara poses for a portrait with his vice presidents. 

USG Polytechnic President elect Ryan O'Hara poses for a portrait with his vice presidents. 

In this year’s list of ASU's trustees, there are business moguls, judges and even influential figures such as a former Arizona Supreme Court justice.

And at the bottom of this list is Polytechnic Undergraduate Student Government President Ryan O'Hara.

Each year, University officials appoint one student to represent the student body among the trustee board. Trustees are volunteers, many of whom are significant benefactors to ASU, working to support the mission and goals of the University.

The University, specifically officials within the Educational Outreach and Student Services (EOSS), has appointed student trustees for the past three years. Student trustees are typically student government presidents from one of ASU’s campuses.

O'Hara said he appreciates his new position.

"It's a bit humbling, working with some very high-profile members of the business community and business activists and leaders," O'Hara said. "We want to be enhancing the student experience, creating an environment where everybody feels comfortable, to be a scholar and work on their professional skills."

The trustees meet four times a year in four separate subcommittees. O’Hara is a part of the Student Success Committee, where he advocates for student representation.

He said that despite his age, the trustees have accepted him and see him as an equal contributor.

"Everybody has been very receptive, and that is really important and is a good thing that everybody has an open mind and wants to continue to develop a community that perpetuates excellence," O'Hara said. "It's a really cool way to talk to more seasoned members of society … by a significant portion, I am the youngest person there."

Christine K. Wilkinson is the senior vice president and secretary of the University and said she helps oversee O’Hara. She also said having a student trustee is vital to having healthy and balanced discussions among trustees.

“I think (having a student trustee) is always very important," Wilkinson said. "After all, we are trying to help students as they are arriving at the school and support them while they are here and after graduation. So it's always nice to have a student perspective."

Student government presidents on other campuses have also been involved in similar duties such as being a member of the Sun Devil Athletic Board.

James Rund, the vice president of EOSS, said he was involved in the process of appointing O’Hara to student trustee. He said the appointment is not necessarily based on achievement, but more so the availability and interests of the candidate.

"The trustees decided a few years ago that they wanted student representation," Rund said. "We discuss it with the council, and it's largely a matter of their availability and their major. It requires some time that could interrupt a potential schedule."

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