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Pac-12 announces ground-breaking new policies for student athletes

Pac-12 commissioner Larry Scott address media on day one of Pac-12 Media Days. (Photo by Bill Slane)
Pac-12 commissioner Larry Scott address media on day one of Pac-12 Media Days. (Photo by Bill Slane)

Pac-12 commissioner Larry Scott address media on day one of Pac-12 Media Days. (Photo by Bill Slane) Pac-12 commissioner Larry Scott address media on day one of Pac-12 Media Days. (Photo by Bill Slane)

The Pac-12 conference announced sweeping changes Monday that will greatly impact student athletes throughout the conference.

The new student-athlete reform package, as it has been called, involves five pillars which will address the way scholarship and medical care are handled, among other issues.

In a statement Monday, Pac-12 commissioner Larry Scott said he believes the reforms will mean a great deal to student-athletes within the conference.

"These reforms will ensure they enjoy a positive collegiate sports experience and graduate with a meaningful college degree," Scott said. "This set of reforms also address various health and financial concerns that student-athletes have expressed to me in the many conversations I've had with them, while preserving the essence of the collegiate experience that has served so many student-athletes so well."

Effective beginning the 2015-16 season, all scholarships offered by universities will last a minimum of four academic years and cannot be cancelled or reduced as long as the athlete remains in good standing and meets his or her terms of agreement.

Additionally, student-athletes who have completed more than half of their degrees and are in good academic standing can return to their schools to complete their degrees if they do not graduate in four years.

This change will take effect in two years, beginning during the 2016-17 year.

Scholarship support will now be enhanced for athletes who transfer between conference schools.

Effective immediately, student-athletes who transfer between Pac-12 schools are eligible for an athletic scholarship from their destination school without restriction.

Drastic changes will also be put in place for medical support for student-athletes.

Beginning in the 2015-16 academic year, schools within the conference will be required to cover medical expenses of student-athletes who sustain injuries while competing.

This support will be mandated for a period of four years even after the player leaves the team or university, assisting in long-term medical care.

Lastly, student-athletes will now be given more representation in the governance of the Pac-12.

There will be support for student-athletes attending council meetings and having a "meaningful role" in deliberations.

According to the announcements, final recommendations for these roles will be determined June 2015.


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