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Kendrick Lamar releases new track 'I'

Courtesy of Top Dog Entertainment
Courtesy of Top Dog Entertainment

Courtesy of Top Dog Entertainment Courtesy of Top Dawg Entertainment

Kendrick Lamar released his first single since 2012 and the best song of September like it was any other Tuesday.

The new track has an interesting combination of a pop driven disco-ish beat and a self-positive hook, “I love myself,” juxtaposed with incredibly political and personal lyrics that address the struggles of inner city life in an unflinching fashion. This juxtaposition is more than appropriate for the time – after a summer of racial turmoil in the justice system in Ferguson and the pop, happy life explosion of Ariana Grande and Iggy Azalea, Lamar’s new track harnesses the zeitgeist of the day on two fronts.

Further, the song seems to be the next step in a rap music trend: facing adversity with self-empowerment. Over the summer, Lil B released “No Black Person is Ugly” in the wake of the Ferguson riots.

After hearing this track, I wasn’t sure any song could ever top its sincerity. I still hold this position, but Lamar’s newest release seems to take the torch from Lil B, by taking on the injustices of today with positivity. This serves as an interesting departure from Tupac’s “Changes,” where Tupac wonders if life is worth it in the face of a two tiered justice system.

All in all, Lamar’s release is different than much of the tones from “Good Kid M.A.A.D. City,” but not at the expense of his master craftsmanship. If this is what we have to expect from Kendrick Lamar’s follow up album, then we should all be incredibly excited.


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