Hello, fellow word and sound junkies. My name is Isabelle. I’m a second semester senior who’s motivated enough to create this blog, but you can’t count on me to get dressed up for class or complete any extra credit. Those days are long gone. Originally from Wisconsin (the cold state near Canada), I study journalism and English literature and intern for Gannet’s Phoenix Design Studio at the Arizona Republic. When time permits, I enjoy fondling things such as yoga, coffee, art, literature, travel, craft beer and food. You could say I’m a big proponent of music too.
I guess I come from a musical family. My mom is a piano teacher and my dad plays instruments in bands that range from rock ’n’ roll to swing and everything in between. The instruments span from electric guitar to accordion. A familiar hum of piano in our living room and guitar in our basement will forever provide the soundtrack to my childhood memories. That being said, the only music I "play" streams from my iTunes library.
Music — a driving force across the board of civilization — is the glue that holds my life together and allows me to retain a sense of sanity amid chaos. The irony of music is that the sound can silence our outside world for even just a brief moment of treasured clarity. Whether jittery for a job interview or nostalgic over some great loss, music provides a profoundly peaceful and inherently unique form of self-medication. And, all you have to do is press play.
Through this blog, Sound Devil, I’d like to share my musical endeavors with family, friends and strangers. Although I try to keep my mind and ears open to new realms of sound, my favorite genres include indie and British rock, folk, acoustic, electronic and hip-hop. Along with my typical gushing over artists and tunes, I hope to offer a more thoughtful narrative on how music transcends the day-to-day into something bigger. I hope we share similar experiences. I hope this hits home.
Later, listeners.
Reach the blogger at inovak@asu.edu or on Twitter @isabellenovak.