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Literally Speaking: Harry Potter Spin-off

A few weeks ago, Potterheads (Harry Potter fans? Members of the Potterverse? What do we call ourselves?), yes I am included in that, buzzed with anticipation at the news that J.K. Rowling would be writing two new Harry Potter books. Bloggers across the interwebs ruminated on possible story lines. Would these books showcase the legacy of our favorite wizards: Harry, Hermione, and Ron (and cough, Neville, cough)? Perhaps these books would follow the adventures of their children, who were introduced to us at the end of the series. My personal favorite was the possibility of prequels.

But now the truth is out, and the ever-sneaky Rowling confirmed that she would be writing the script for a spinoff movie series based on her popular Harry Potter supplement, "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them." The spinoff movies will focus on the "writer" of the textbook, Newt Scamander.

Personally, I'm excited to see Rowling try her hand at screenwriting one of her works. I think this will be a new challenge for her, but I believe she will succeed. She has always had a very humorous, whimsical, and classic style that I think has the ability to make dialogue shine. Moreover, she has already seen what her writing is like on the big screen, so she can envision this work as well.

However, I do think that this may be a little bit overkill. Overkill as in unnecessary. I am already satisfied with the movie series. Harry Potter weekends on ABC Family, anyone?

I still think a prequel would be a good idea. But you know, it's J.K. Rowling. I wouldn't ever pass up a chance to see her in action.

What are your thoughts on the spin-off? Let me know at or on Twitter @marie_eo.

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