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Beyond the Border: Normal Super-Women

So here's a little background info about me: I work with kids for America Reads ASU. And when you work with kids you get back into your old childhood fantasies and obsessions.

This year, my America Reads site has the theme of "Superheroes" for our kids. As one of the staff members it was one of my main priorities to find superheroes and super-heroines for a poster board I was making for our tutoring rooms.

The problem? Superheroes were easy to find. But super-heroines? Now that was another story.

I want you to stop reading this blog right now. I want you to go on Google and search any super hero thats a girl and find me one picture that's kid-appropriate. I mean no big boobs, no suggestive poses, no skin tight clothing, no big hips.

Found any yet?

Now, you understand the struggle that I went through at work finding just one picture that was okay for little kids to view.

Why are these super-heroines so body-oriented? I mean they all have big boobs and curvy bodies. I mean I understand, that most comic book characters have a male fan base but I'm a girl. And seeing that made me question what exactly men want in a woman. Why can't we have a girl superhero without the huge boobs?

I mean can a girl be a superhero with a normal size body?

Or is that not enough?

Take the Avengers for example, now Scarlett Johansson was phenomenal as the Black Widow but notice how tight her outfit was. I surely did.

Women are objectified in any type of entertainment. Whether that be in an animated comic or in beer commercials.

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