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Beyond the Border: I'm pretty sure I'm Sailor Moon.

"Moon, Crystal, Power!" Now, for any 90's girl who came running home to stand through an hour of Dragon Ball Z, hearing those magical words was a present in itself.

Sailor Moon the original super-heroine. She shaped a girls dream. She had everything: long flowing hair, a good group of friends, amazing makeup powers that transformed her from a regular school girl into a butt kicking princess. Not to mention her amazingly hot boyfriend (don't even try to question it, we all had a crush on Tuxedo Mask).

So imagine my excitement when I see that Sailor Moon is coming back with an all new series. It is 20 years into the future and her two daughters are taking over her role. Sailor Moon was one of the first anime shows to really hit the American airways.

Most people didn't even consider Sailor Moon anime, they didn't even know what anime was. To them, Sailor Moon was just another cartoon. but what they don't know, at least what majority of us did not know, is that Sailor Moon, along with cartoons like Dragon Ball Z, was our very first view into Japanese culture.

Anime is a huge part of Japanese culture. According to the University of Michigan anime is not like just regular American cartoons. American cartoons are usually made to entertain children but anime is set to entertain all ages and genders. Sailor moon was the first to spark interest into Japanese anime culture.

It was originally only meant to be a short anime series but it spawned: movies, games, cards, notebooks, clothes and other merchandise. It changed the game as of 21 years ago this past March. Sailor Moon was a fairytale-like story that caught the attention of girls in the 90's and with it's new sequel returning, I only hope that this new generation picks up what I picked up from it: girl's are kick-ass and no matter how ditzy, crude, smart, whatever you are you can kick butt anytime of the day!

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