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Video: Students clean up graffiti around phoenix

Arizona State University students affiliated with the university's Black Artists and Designers club as well as the National Council of Negro Women joined forces to clean up graffiti around downtown Phoenix. Individuals from the organizations served as leaders for the clean up group.

The clean up was a small part of a much larger day of community service which included over 30 different volunteer sites called Devils In Disguise, an event that has been put on since 2001. The service event spanned all four campuses.

Students traveled by bus to a location along Baseline Road, painted over the graffiti they found and provided services for members of the community by offering to paint fences, trees, and anything else.

Nearly 40 students participated in the Phoenix graffiti clean up and Devils In Disguise drew almost 1,000 volunteers who showed up and worked from 9 am until 1pm on March 23, according to event coordinator Allison Oaks.

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