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 Tempe Police reported the following incidents Thursday:


  • A 26-year-old Maricopa man and his two friends were arrested Saturday evening at the 300 block of Mill Avenue on suspicion of a suspended license and marijuana possession, according to a police report.Police were patrolling the parking lot on Third Street and Mill Avenue when they heard blaring music from a parked car, according to the report. The officer approached the car and saw the man sleeping in the backseat while his two friends were in the front seats, police reported.

    The officer asked loudly enough for all the passengers to hear if there were any weapons in the vehicle, police reported.

    The passengers in the front seats said no, police reported.

    Although the passengers said no, the officer saw the man in the backseat was asleep with a handgun on the left side of his seat, according to the report.

    The officer woke the man up and asked him to step out of the car, police reported.

    The man stepped out of the car and a small baggie of a leafy green substance and several $100 bills fell from his lap, police reported.

    Police handcuffed the man and the two passengers, police reported.

    Police found a second bag of marijuana in the man’s pocket, according to the report.

    The man was arrested, transported and booked at Tempe City Jail, according to the report.

    The man was released pending charges for possession of marijuana, according to the report.

  • A 21-year-old Tempe man was arrested early Wednesday morning at the 900 block of West University Drive on suspicion of having an open alcoholic container in a vehicle and dangerous drugs, marijuana and drug paraphernalia possession, according to a police report.The man was found in the backseat of a 2008 Volkswagen after the driver was stopped for a traffic violation, police reported. The police saw the man had a half-full bottle of Olde English 800 malt liquor between his feet, according to the report.

    Police told the man to get out of the vehicle and the man was placed in handcuffs, police reported.

    Police asked the man if he had anything illegal, according to the report.

    The man told police he had marijuana and Xanax on him, police reported.

    The man had a small plastic bag of marijuana and a quarter of a pill, according to the report.

    After the man’s Miranda rights were read, he said he owned the marijuana and gave it to some people, police reported.

    The man said a friend gave him a quarter of a Xanax pill, according to the report.

    He said he planned to use the marijuana and Xanax to do homework, police reported.

    The man said the bottle was his and he knew it was open and against the law, police reported.

    The man was arrested, transported and booked into the Tempe City Jail, police reported.

    The man was released pending drug charges, according to the report.

Reports complied by Thania A. Betancourt. Reach the reporter at Click here to subscribe to the daily State Press newsletter.

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