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ASU competes against UA residence halls to conserve energy

Students in ASU and UA residence halls are holding a competition from Feb. 6 to Feb. 26 to see which school can conserve the most energy. (Photo by Jessie Wardarski)
Students in ASU and UA residence halls are holding a competition from Feb. 6 to Feb. 26 to see which school can conserve the most energy. (Photo by Jessie Wardarski)

ASU residence halls lead UA in a race to reduce energy consumption.

The first AZ Energy Wars competition measures which residence halls save the most energy. The contest started Feb. 6 and will run through Feb. 26.

ASU is in the lead, with Hassayampa West reducing its energy use the most, according to the competition website.

Sustainability senior Eric Beeler, the executive director of Campus Student Sustainability Initiative, said he looks forward to beating UA.

“I would like to show our dominance in Arizona,” Beeler said.

Sustainability sophomore Corinne DiVittorio, a School of Sustainability Residential Community paraprofessional, said their goal is to beat the rival school and convince students to keep their pledges as long-term commitments.

The community members are tabling around campus to get the word out and encourage people to sign a pledge to reduce their energy consumption, DiVittorio said.

“I hope we beat U of A and that students continue with their pledges they made and make it a part of their (lives),” DiVittorio said.

Rebecca Reining, the Sustainability and Strategic Initiatives coordinator, said the universities measured the energy use of their residence halls from mid-January to Feb. 5 and are now competing to use less.

“It’s really just for bragging rights,” Reining said, “And of course, reducing energy and cutting our carbon emissions.”

Ten of ASU’s residence halls are competing against six from UA.

Beeler lives in Palo Verde West and said students are encouraged to take the pledge to conserve energy.

“My pledge was to beat U of A,” Beeler said. “Also, take shorter showers and unplug my phone charger.”

When chargers are left plugged in, they still “suck” power called vampire energy, Beeler said.

Theater sophomore Anna Chasse said she has seen people in her residence hall change their behavior since the competition started.

“People walk by a lounge and turn off a light and walk away,” Chasse said.

She took the pledge to help ASU earn bragging rights and is conserving energy by taking shorter showers and turning off her computer, Chasse said.

Jill Ramirez, the coordinator of sustainability education and residence life at UA, said she is looking forward to beating ASU in the competition.

“Glory is the prize,” Ramirez said. “Any reason to beat each other is motivation enough.”

Visit the competition websites to see where ASU and UA stand.

10 ASU Residence Halls competing against UA

  •  Barrett, the Honors College
  • McClintock
  • Best
  • Hayden
  • Irish
  • San Pablo
  • Palo Verde Main
  • Palo Verde West
  • Palo Verde East
  • Hassayampa East
  • Hassayampa West

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