Alternative-rock group Wilco is gracing Tempe with its presence on Saturday, Jan. 21. Currently on the tail-end of its “The Whole Love” tour, Wilco is stopping at ASU Gammage to showcase their new album.
Wilco was formed in 1994. Nearly 18 years later and eight albums deep, founder and bassist John Stirratt still loves life on the road.
“Traveling around Europe isn’t as easy as it used to be, but we make it and it’s a lot of fun,” Stirratt said.
Stirratt mentioned that he is jealous of Arizona’s winter weather and is eager to return to the valley after having been away for more than a decade.
“I don’t think we’ve been in Tempe since maybe … 1999 or so. It’s exciting, really,” he said.
Longtime Wilco fans whose nostalgia will not let go of Wilco’s 2004 brilliant and critically-acclaimed album “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” can look forward to hearing the past songs, as well.
Stirratt said the show will have a little bit of everything. “We’ll definitely play a song or two from each of our old albums. We love playing them and the audience always responds well.”
Although Stirratt and lead singer Jeff Tweedy are the only band members remaining from the original lineup, they still maintain the same collaborating chemistry they have had since the beginning. The group’s new album “The Whole Love” has a different sound from the rest of the discography and has received a lot of positive feedback since its release in late September.
“The tour has been going great. We were able to come home for the holidays in the middle of it all, but I’m excited to get to the West Coast, too,” Stirratt said.
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