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Tempe Police reported the following incidents Tuesday:

  • A 28-year-old man was arrested Sunday morning at the 600 block of Mill Avenue on suspicion of disorderly conduct at the Canteen Modern Tequila Bar, according to a police report. Bar staff called Tempe Police after seeing the man urinate on the front patio, according to the report.Bar security said they saw the man’s genitals as he attempted to zip up his pants, according to the report.After the man was asked to leave, he “chest bumped” one of the employees, police reported. During the investigation, police found a substance later identified as marijuana in the pocket of the man’s pants, according to the police report.The man was arrested, transported and booked into Tempe City Jail, according to the police report. The bar is willing to aid in the prosecution, police reported.
  • A 23-year-old woman was arrested Monday on the southwest corner of Mill Avenue and Broadway Road on suspicion of marijuana possession, according to a police report.The officer approached the woman in a parking lot and could smell marijuana on her, police reported.During questioning, the woman allowed the officer to search her purse, according to the report. The officer saw a small,“brown cat case,” which contained a small bag of a substance later identified as marijuana, according to the report.The woman was arrested, transported and booked into Tempe City Jail and released pending drug charges, according to the report.

Reports complied by Thania A. Betancourt. Reach the reporter

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