It’s a fact you can never have too many skills as an artist. There is always room to learn more techniques, concepts, and methods of art. Living in the greater Phoenix area, you have many means of learning such techniques, from other artists and crafters, friends, and local art centers. This week, I want to highlight Mesa Arts Center in downtown Mesa as a mecca for artists to trek to for art classes.
The Mesa Arts Center has classes for adults and children. Their classes center on two major aspects of art- visual arts and performing arts. I honestly haven’t looked into the performing arts at all just because that isn’t exactly my scene and have only paid attention to the visual arts (but if the performing are anything like the visual arts appear to be, I would suggest taking a look if interested!). Adult classes in visual arts center on ceramics, photography, various techniques in jewelry making, metal working, glass blowing, printmaking, drawing, and various types of painting. Child classes center on the same types of classes, but at a more beginning level. For all classes though, there are typically beginning and intermediate classes.
Some classes last a few months, taking up a few hours once or twice a week. However, for the less committed, there are also workshops in certain areas of art. Workshops are usually one session for an entire day or a couple of hours.
Personally, I haven’t taken any classes yet just because my workload at school has taken over my life, but I am looking forward to the break where I have the opportunity to enroll in a photography workshop or next semester where I can hone my painting skills and take a watercolor class.
What classes do you want to take?
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc. contact me at