Canvas tote bags are extremely cheap and all-too common. In this day and age when attempting to be “green” is the hip thing to do, we see tote bags with emblems and logos in all the grocery stores as well as in other shopping arenas. Although it’s easy to go out and buy one already made, you can also grab a blank one or one with a simple logo to personalize it, making the perfect beach or pool bag for the heated months ahead.
There are some great things you can do to personalize your totes. Here are just a few suggestions:
Paint. Fabric paint is a great tool to create an emblem or a logo all your own. A great way to do this can be with stamps or stencils. In one of my own tote bags, I used a blank CD as a stamp to create CD like prints all along the bag. Fabric spray paint can also be a fun tool to use.
Stencils and stamps. Stencils or stamps can be used to make your own picture, pattern, or design on your bag. It can be especially hard to draw with fabric markers or use fabric paint free-hand, but with a stencil or a stamp creating images becomes so much easier.
Buttons. Sewing on a few buttons, especially rare and interesting looking buttons can give your tote a really cool, original feel.
Pins. You can buy or find pins in so many different locations. I usually like to find vintage-looking pins. Try to find pins that fit the theme you are going for with your bag.
Tie- dye. On canvas, tie-dye tends to look a little diluted than it would on a cotton t-shirt, but I think that this effect can look awesome on a bag, especially a bag fit for the summer.
Other scraps of fabric. Other scraps of fabric can be used on a bag to create a small design like a flower, perhaps in a corner much like the effect a pin or an assortment of buttons might have. Fabric scraps can also be tied to the handles- bows look very cute!
These are just a few great tips to try your hand at creating your own personalized tote bag. So get crafting and make a bag worthy of your summer trips!