Two months ago, the Internet was racked with emotional out cries of “who is Arcade Fire?” This week, the Valley gets to find out the answer to that query at the Comerica Theater. Arcade Fire, whose recent Grammy-win whipped the masses into a confused tailspin, has been making music for years. With their large sound (due in part to the numerous members in their ensemble), they have inspired and made great music that sticks with many a music lovers. From “Funeral” to “Neon Bible” to the latest and biggest U.S. mainstream release, "The Suburbs:" The truth stands that Arcade Fire loves to weave intricate pictures with their poignant lyrics and beautiful harmonies. Though their newest release has garnered them the most attention, my first pick for them is an oldie from one of their first full-length releases “Funeral:"
The next pick is from the release “Neon Bible:"
And the last two selections hail from their newest concoction, “The Suburbs:"
Arcade Fire will be at the Comerica Theater this Wednesday, April 13.