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We all have some activity that helps us relax after a stressful day of school or work. For some of us that may be video games and TV, for others it might be reading or maybe even working out.

For President Barack Obama, relaxation time is spent by indulging in a presidential tradition: golf.

Golfing is a presidential tradition that started in the 20th century and has continued into the current century. According to the Wall Street Journal, “Of the 18 presidents since [Theodore Roosevelt], no fewer than 15 played golf.” President Eisenhower loved golf “so much that he had a putting green installed outside the Oval Office.”

If golfing is a form of relaxation for presidents, then why is there such an outrage when the president decides to grab his clubs and hit the fresh cut grass for a few hours?

Many of Obama’s critics claim his golfing demonstrates a lack of focus in regards to the pressing events that are unfolding around the world.

With the Japan quake causing potential nuclear disaster and the erupting unrest in the Middle East, I can understand their point. However, with such a demanding job, he is going to need a break every once in a while.

Being the president of the United States is a full-time job requiring a great deal of focus. It demands that one tackle the issues of the U.S. and the world.

The current global financial crisis has not made the job easier. With that amount of stress placed on his shoulders the president should go out for a round of golf just to clear up his mind and refresh. Prior presidents have done it as well.

President John F. Kennedy played golf while in office during the height of the Cold War. President Richard Nixon was seen playing golf while the Vietnam War was raging and the people of the U.S. were in protest against it.

President Ronald Reagan liked putting golf balls on Air Force One. Both former presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton took up golfing while in office.

Former President George W. Bush golfed frequently while in his first term of office, but quit when the U.S. went to war with Iraq in 2003.

In an interview with Politico, Bush said, “I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander-in-chief playing golf.” Since leaving office, Bush has taken the pastime back up again.

As we can see, it is not uncommon for presidents to go out golfing while world events are unfolding around them.

What we don’t see, however, is that while golfing the president is still in control and ready to take action if there is action that needs to be taken.

Secret Service is close by and ready to haul the president off if a crisis comes up. The president is still able to be updated and briefed.

With the demands of the presidency being so high, Obama deserves a little time to relax and indulge in what has become a tradition of presidential golf.

Brian can be reached at

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