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Piece of Craft: Introduction to the World of Crafts

Supplies crafters will use during the many crafty projects. Photo by Faith Breisblatt.
Supplies crafters will use during the many crafty projects. Photo by Faith Breisblatt.

Hey there, ASU and welcome to my blog of absolute craftiness. My name is Faith Breisblatt and through this blog, I will be bringing you any and all things crafty, including do-it-yourself tutorials, places to find the coolest and most unique crafts for sale, the 411 on local Arizona crafters, and the best craft blogs and books for ideas and inspiration.

Although I am currently studying Psychology, I have always been interested in the arts. As a child, I started my arts and crafts career by writing my own short stories and poems and drawing pictures to accompany my words. My mom, being an avid knitter and crafter, always encouraged me to pick up a hobby, something to do with my hands while she was busy at her craft. I started out making collages, usually just cutting out simple shapes with magazines and newspaper just to see how perfectly certain colors and patterns flowed together. As I grew older, the complexity of my crafts grew as well. I tried my hand at creating decoupage vases, spray-painted shoes and dresses, paintings, beaded bracelets, styling bangles, fashioning rings and earrings together from the most ordinary items, along with many other creative pieces. My goal with my crafts has always been to attempt to build something fun and innovative, and in the process, grow as a person and inspire others in the same way my mom inspired me.

With all this in mind, here is Piece of Craft, or in other words, my attempt at inspiring you to go out and make something, buy something, or just be plain crafty. As crafts are near and dear to my heart, I want to portray them as something that can be near and dear to yours as well! In the coming months, I will share with you step-by-step tutorials on some of my previous and current work, as well as some craft tutorials from others who are just downright genius with their work. Besides that, you will always be kept up-to-date on all the great crafts found in the Arizona craft community as well as online.

Check out my blog every Tuesday and Friday for your biweekly dose of crafts! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for craft ideas or anything else you would like to see here, feel free to contact me at anytime at I look forward to hearing from you all. Stay crafty!

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