Men want to be him and women want to sleep with him.
At least that’s what Tucker Max, author of The New York Times bestseller “I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell” and a legendary Web phenomenon, claims.
The combination of booze, willing women and lack of social etiquette has led Max to his wildest experiences and his recent path of stardom.
While on tour in Tempe, Max stopped at Changing Hands Bookstore and sat down with The State Press to discuss sex, his past experiences and his new book, “A--holes Finish First.”
The State Press: You’re a cocky guy; where do you get your confidence?
Tucker Max: Confidence comes from belief in self. I mean, I’ve done a lot, and that’s where it comes from. When you’ve fought the wars, another war doesn’t bother you.
SP: On several occasions you proclaim yourself an a---hole. Do you really consider yourself to be an a--hole and why?
TM: Um, yeah, I can absolutely be an a--hole, but it’s more about how I going to accentuate certain things because that’s going to get attention. I mean, that aspect is in my personality, but it doesn’t mean I’m there all the time. You like to drink; it doesn’t mean you’re drunk all the time.
SP: Personally, I think the best part about your writing is your honesty. Is it difficult for you to be that honest when describing your experiences?
TM: No, not at all. Every now and then I’ll write something and it’s hard for me to write, but it’s never a decision to be honest or dishonest; it’s just painful to get out. It’s hard for me to admit stuff about myself, but I wouldn’t write a story without it.
SP: So you’ve never exaggerated in any of your stories?
TM: Look, P.J. O’Rourke said that comedy is more truthful than it is factual. I’m not writing police reports. I mean, I leave a ton of s--- out. I don’t make anything up. All this s--- happened.
SP: In many of your stories, you claim that women throw themselves at you. Roughly how many women would you say you’ve slept with?
TM: (Laughs) Watch, you’ll see tonight. Truly, no idea; somewhere between 100 and 1000.
SP: Is there any advice you would give to men trying to pursue women?
TM: There are two things guys do wrong. Most guys feel they have to lie and manipulate women and usually the opposite is the reality. Another big thing that guys do wrong is they care too much about what people think. My advice is always don’t lie and be cool with who you are.
SP: So Mr. Max, what do you believe is the one thing women don’t understand about men?
TM: I think women don’t understand how emotionally immature guys are at their age. We mature much, much slower than women. Like, every girl I’ve dated has been years and years younger than me because we’re at about the same emotional maturity level.
SP: When you first began blogging about your sexual escapades and your drinking abilities, how did you think the public would react?
TM: I didn’t think it’d be that shocking. I thought people would laugh. The idea did kind of come to a shock to me at first that people would either be shocked by it or think these things didn’t happen. People who don’t think this stuff happens are the ones who make me laugh the most. What world do they live in? They don’t know people who go out, get drunk and hook up?
SP: Changing the subject a bit, what was your reaction to the “I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell” film? Do you think it portrayed your book as you hoped?
TM: I’m Tucker Max, I wrote the books and lived the life. The thing that always makes me laugh is when people say that this isn’t how Tucker should be or act. I’m like motherf-----, I’m Tucker; don’t f------ tell me about my own life. One of the big problems with the movie was that it threw a lot of people off. The movie is very accurate in certain ways with my life, but a lot of people don’t understand that because they only understand my life through my eyes.
SP: Is there anything in the works for an “A--holes Finish First” film? If so, what would you do differently this time around?
TM: No, I don’t want to deal with Hollywood anymore. I hate them, I hate everything about them and I don’t want to do it.
SP: So, talking about your new book, what was your inspiration for writing it?
TM: There’s not a different inspiration for this one. It’s just more stories about funny ridiculous s--- that happened.
SP: Have you received more negative or positive feedback about this book? Do you have any protestors this time around?
TM: (Laughs) There were protestors only in Portland. They were the typical crazy kooks that asked about slave trafficking and I’m like, “What does that have to do with my book?” The reaction I care about is in fans. A lot like this book better. I mean, it’s tough to follow up a book that sold millions of copies and was like a classic in its own time.
SP: In the book, you say that someday you’d like to settle down and have a wife and kids. What do you see happening to your writing career if that does happen?
TM: That’s the best part about having […] money. It doesn’t matter. I’m not going to keep writing books about hooking up with 20-year-olds for 10 more years.
SP: Finally, what’s next for Tucker Max?
TM: I have to go do a book signing. No, my next book is called “Hilarity Ensues.” It’s coming out next year. After that, I don’t know.
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