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It’s the time of year to attend my first and last baseball game, or to be more specific, one of my favorite date places.

The quality of baseball is limited.

The Diamondbacks season’s end is coming up quicker than most would like. But again, that’s not why I attend.

Baseball at Chase Field (Bank One Ballpark for me) is now an accumulation of entertainment opportunities.

There is the game, which every so often goes the home team’s way.

Then there is the little museum with some of my favorite jerseys.

And last, there is the arcade area, i.e. the date place.

Push those little kids out of the way, it’s much more important to see how hard you can throw a fastball. Hit 65 mph and impress her, throw 50 and blame it on a bad shoulder.

Then, as you leave with a couple tickets, give them to a little girl and score brownie points with your date in the process.

If you have the money, closer seats are better, but make sure you don’t shy away when foul balls come near.

If you don’t, enjoy those five-dollar seats all pushed up against your date.

Hopefully my one game a year makes an impact.

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