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Any other sports fans wishing for a time when sports were less about stardom, scandal and athletes’ illegal extracurricular activities?

It seems we can’t go a day without some humongous scandal breaking. Let’s go back to a time when all the pregame fan talk was about who would have a better offense and who would make it to the finals.

I have four words: Little League World Series.

Who doesn’t want to watch a bunch of kids play baseball? It’s seriously sports at its best, stripped of all trade talk and scandal. It’s pure sport.

It’s all about the game and the great customs that go with it, like Canada’s quirky stinky sock tradition.

It’s a tradition designed to keep the young players smiling at the plate. If the players smiled while batting, they got to stick a smelly sock in the face of their manager.  If they didn’t smile, they got the sock stuffed in their face.

Oh yeah, those socks were stored in a biohazard bag.

So, if you feel like revisiting your childhood or just want to watch a good, fun-filled sport, make sure to check out the last few games of the Series through this weekend.

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