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Q&A: Water polo sophomore Annabelle Carter

ATTACKING THE GOAL: ASU sophomore attacker Annabelle Carter goes up for a shot during a practice earlier this season.(Photo Courtesy of ASU Media Relations)

In January, sophomore attacker Annabelle Carter arrived in Tempe as one of the newest additions to the ASU water polo team.

Carter left behind her home in Sydney, Australia, where she attended the Australia College of Physical Education. Carter was a member of the water polo team as a utility player. She earned selection to the Australian U17 team in 2006 and then U20 team in 2008.

Carter’s arrival has been felt throughout the pool for the No. 8 Sun Devils (4-3). Through the first seven games of the 2010 season, Carter has netted nine goals and four assists for 13 total points. She dominated with six goals in one game against UC Irvine earlier in the season.

The State Press had the chance to sit down with Carter to discuss her move to ASU and the 2010 water polo season.

The State Press: The season is well underway. How do you feel it has gone so far?

Annabelle Carter: It is a big adjustment, and the game is different here. I feel that I have settled in pretty well.

SP: The team travels to Irvine this weekend, and after a couple of tough losses at Stanford, how do you look to respond?

AC: We have to look back at the things we messed up at. It is good teams that bounce back and step up to prove something.

SP: ASU coach Todd Clapper and the team have talked about aiming to get to the NCAA tournament. How are you and the team continuing to strive toward that goal?

AC: We are taking every game as it comes, and trying to knock off the big teams. We are fine-tuning everything. We know what we are doing, and it is a matter of repetition. The next tournament coming up, we will meet all the top teams again. We will have to step up.

SP: How do you like your first year at ASU so far? Why did you decide to come to ASU?

AC: I am enjoying it here, and I really like my team. It was something I wanted to do for a while. Todd [Clapper] saw me in other tournaments, talked to me, and then it was the right time.

SP: With you being from Sydney, Australia, how was the change and transition to Tempe?

AC: This was my first time ever in America, and it was very different. I have four siblings and it is hard, but something that I have to do. I talk to them very often. Skype is a wonderful thing.

SP: On a less serious note, is there anything you do not enjoy about Arizona or America?

AC: Sarah [Harris] and I first noticed that it is so dry; — it is the desert for you. It’s like “Where is the grass?”

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