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University built on civic action

A day after Arizona’s government passed record-high cuts for higher education, I could not help but note the irony that 50 years ago, Arizona citizens fought a similar battle for higher education.

Despite enormous opposition from the state’s political leaders, the people of Arizona voted overwhelmingly in favor of re-establishing Arizona State College as a university because they recognized that the future of their state depended on the presence of a robust university in Phoenix.

Make no mistake about it: Our governor and our Legislature have a shortsighted view of education. They claim that Arizona has been living beyond its means. The real problem is that we have a poorly diversified economy whose growth is tied to a small number of industries.

Consequently, the collapse of the housing industry decimated our government’s tax base. To be more resilient, Arizona needs an innovative economy where growth occurs across a broad portfolio of sectors. The only way our state can escape this trap is by investing in our human capital.

I fear that Feb. 1 will mark a turning point for higher education in Arizona. I fear that after a half-century of support, our government’s support for our future will diminish. But 1958 gives me hope.

ASU is the only university in the country to have become a university through a direct vote by the people. ASU’s existence is a testament to the power of direct democracy. 1958 taught us that despite opposition from our leaders, Arizona’s citizens can enact change to secure the future of our state.

Looking forward, Arizona must reinvest in ASU. If the (Republican-controlled) Legislature continues to cut higher education, we must elect new representatives or again take the issue to the ballot with a citizen initiative.

Taylor Spears

ASU alumnus

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