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When nature calls

Did we really think we could take on global warming individually?

Look, I'm all for changing light bulbs, riding my bike around, and taking shorter showers. That's a great first step but when ice caps are melting and animals are becoming endangered along with drastic climate changes, it's not enough.

The issue is bigger than my electric bill and the prices at the pump.

If we're going to make a difference we need to come together and have those who say they represent us actually do so. This means getting congress members to support alternative energy and vote on proactive legislation for carbon admissions.

I know many of us think that Congressman Harry Mitchell doesn't care what we think, but never underestimate the power of a voicemail box full of people demanding tougher global warming legislation — especially near voting time. We need to let him and his opponent, David Schweikert, know that this is a top issue this election season.

There is a new Greenpeace club that has been started up on campus, and this Wednesday, they're driving anyone willing to go out to the candidate's offices.

I hope a bunch of students go because this is a great way to have our voices heard and get the people who are our representatives to finally have a plan to stop global warming.

Aimee Williamson


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