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A small electrical fire broke out on the second floor of the Student Services building early Wednesday morning, causing the building to be evacuated and closing a portion of Forest Avenue for the day, fire officials said.

At 7:34 a.m., a fire alarm sounded, sending about 20 ASU employees out of the building. No flames were actually reported, just smoke, Tempe fire department spokesman Mike Reichling said.

"The smoke smelled like an electrical fire, it could have possibly been caused by a motor," Reichling said. "Once we identify the source, we are going to turn it over to the fire marshal."

At least 6 fire trucks were on the scene and a news helicopter flew overhead, capturing the scene.

A text message was sent to the student body alerting them of the fire, and was received at about 9:42 a.m.

The text was sent to alert the ASU community that the building would be closed for the day, ASU spokeswoman Julie Newberg said. The last time the text message alert system was used was on Nov. 1, 2007, when there was a fire at the Memorial Union.

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