Tempe Police reported the following incidents Wednesday:
- A 23-year-old Tempe man was arrested Wednesday afternoon on the 100 block of East Fifth Street on suspicion of two counts of forgery, according to the police report.
On the morning of March 29, the man presented and cashed a $450 stolen and forged check at a Money Mart located on the 800 block of East Southern Avenue in Tempe, police reported.
He presented another stolen and forged check 35 minutes later for $462 at another Money Mart on the 1300 block of West University Drive in Tempe, according to the police report.
The man said he got the checks from a stranger who was supposed to receive a portion of the proceeds, police reported.
The man was booked into the Tempe City Jail and released pending further investigation.
- A 23-year-old Phoenix man was arrested Wednesday afternoon on the 3300 block of South Rural Road on suspicion of stealing sunglasses and being in possession of marijuana and marijuana paraphernalia, police reported.
The man was contacted after he removed two pairs of sunglasses from a Mervyn's located on the 800 block of East Southern Avenue, according to the police report.
When police contacted the man, he was in possession of the sunglasses and was identified by the department store clerk, police reported.
Police stated that marijuana and a marijuana pipe were found in the man's backpack.
The man was transported and booked into the Tempe City Jail.
- An 18-year-old Scottsdale woman was arrested Wednesday evening on the 1300 block of South Rural Road on suspicion of being in possession of marijuana, narcotics and paraphernalia, police reported.
The woman was contacted by police for throwing a cigarette out of the window of a vehicle, according to the police report.
Police investigation revealed a marijuana cigarette and "shrooms" inside her purse, according to the report.
Police reported that the woman also had a methamphetamine pipe in her pants.
The woman was transported and booked into the Tempe City Jail and was released.
- A 19-year-old Tempe man was arrested Thursday morning on the 4400 block of South Willow Drive on suspicion of possession of methamphetamine, for resisting arrest and for pending warrants, police reported.
Police contacted the man after a resident called in a complaint because the man was sitting outside the resident's home in his 1995 Chevy, according to the police report.
The man provided the officer with a fake name, date of birth and social security number, police reported.
While conducting a consensual pat down of the man, a glass pipe fell out of his pocket onto the ground, according to the police report. The man proceeded to crush the pipe with his shoe, police reported.
An officer grabbed the man and put him in a wristlock against his vehicle. The man then pushed the officer away from the car with his free hand and ran away, police reported. He was then located and arrested by officers again, according to the police report.
Police reported that a bag containing a usable amount of methamphetamine was found on the ground next to where the man was sitting.
The man was transported to the Tempe City Jail where he was released.
Reports compiled by Ryan Calhoun. Reach the reporter at: ryan.calhoun@asu.edu.