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Police Beat: 24-year-old arrested on suspicion of shoplifting

Tempe Police reported the following incidents Friday:

  • A 28-year-old Phoenix woman was arrested early Thursday morning near U.S. Route 60 and McClintock Drive on suspicion of possession of dangerous drugs, according to police reports.

    Police reported contacting the woman when they found her sleeping in her white 1995 Chevrolet parked outside a house at South Alder and East Carson drives.

    After searching the car, they found a baggie of methamphetamine on the center console and within reach of the driver's seat, according to the report.

    The woman denied the drugs were hers, and she was booked at Tempe Jail with charges pending.

  • A 50-year-old Tempe man was arrested Friday on the 1000 block of South Cottonwood Drive on suspicion of a variety of drug charges, police reported.

    Police stopped the man around 2 a.m. for riding his bike against the flow of traffic without a bike light. After he ignored a police request to stop, police arrested him, according to the report.

    A search of his bag revealed methamphetamine, cocaine, Soma, two unnamed prescription pills and 45 other pills the man said were vitamins that he was planning to sell as painkillers, police reported.

    He was booked and released pending charges of possession of dangerous drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of prescription-only drugs, imitation of a controlled substance and two counts of possession of narcotic drugs.

  • A 32-year-old Phoenix man was arrested Thursday on suspicion of aggravated driving under the influence on the 4000 block of East La Salle Drive, police reported.

    Police attempted a traffic stop on the 3200 block of South 48th Street, then followed the driver half a mile to La Salle Drive where the man drove up onto a sidewalk and stopped. He told police he was driving under a suspended license and that he had had several beers, according to reports.

    A preliminary breath test showed his blood alcohol content at .127, police reported.

    The man was booked at Tempe Jail, where he refused a breath test and was required to submit to blood work after a search warrant, according to reports.

  • A 24-year-old Scottsdale man was arrested Thursday on suspicion of shoplifting on the 1800 block of E. Rio Salado Parkway, police reported.

    Investigation showed the man, an employee at Road Runner Sports at Tempe Marketplace, had walked out of the nearby Target on Wednesday with $143.95 worth of merchandise, police reported.

    He then drove to GameStop at 2040 E. Rio Salado Parkway and sold the items for $56.60 in store credit, according to police reports.

    He was held at Tempe Jail to see a judge.

Reports were compiled by Claudia Koerner. Reach the reporter at:

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