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PHOENIX — A Republican lawmaker has revived an attempt to have Arizona voters vote whether to define marriage as a union of one man and one woman.

After a previous effort failed on the House floor, Rep. Eddie Farnsworth, R-Gilbert, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, reintroduced the measure as a strike-everything amendment to SCR 1042, a resolution that originally would have created a Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Day.

"It's important to say marriage between one man and one woman is what the state supports," Farnsworth said.

On a 6-3 vote, the House Judiciary Committee endorsed the resolution for a second time Monday after it was sent back to clarify its language. If passed by both houses, the measure would place the issue on the November ballot.

Same-sex marriage is already banned under state law.

In 2006, voters shot down a ballot initiative that would have modified the Arizona Constitution to define marriage while also outlawing civil unions and benefits given to domestic partners of government workers.

"It was completely different," Farnsworth said. "This one is very narrowly defined."

Cathi Herrod, president of the Center for Arizona Policy, a conservative interest group, said in a telephone interview that she is confident the new proposal will make it to the ballot.

"There is majority support for letting the voters decide the definition of marriage," Herrod said.

A Cronkite-Eight Poll conducted in February found that 49 percent of registered Arizona voters supported such a proposal, while 40 percent opposed the idea and 11 percent were undecided.

A similar bill, HCR 2065, died in the House earlier this month when Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Phoenix, attached a floor amendment that doomed the measure in a vote by the full House. That amendment would have granted any two adults in an emotionally committed relationship rights such as being able to make medical decisions and make funeral arrangements for one's partner.

Sinema, who voted against the measure Monday, said that she opposes any effort to restrict the definition of marriage.

"The voters have already voted on this," she said. "This is superfluous. What we should be doing is focusing on the budget crisis."


Here are some quick facts about SCR 1042, amended by Rep. Eddie Farnsworth, R-Gilbert, to call for a ballot measure to define marriage:

What It Says:

"Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state."


Would put a measure

on the November ballot that would amend the Arizona Constitution.

Supporters Say:

It's necessary to prevent judges or legislators from deciding what constitutes marriage without voter consent.

Opponents Say:

It would violate the rights of gay and straight unmarried couples.

Source: Cronkite News Service

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