Christa Parra is an inspiration to me.
The 26-year-old is on her way to becoming a nun, and this is only one of the reasons why I respect her so much. She is one of four nuns I followed in this week's cover story, "A cross to bear" (page 18).
Parra is one of the most genuinely nice and beautiful people I have ever met.
At our first interview, she greeted me with a hug. Really? As a journalist, I've never been so well received!
Later on, I would visit the Saint Simon and Jude convent where she lives with 11 Sisters (nine of which are Irish and awesome). I ate dinner with them — a traditional meal of a roast, mashed potatoes and vegetables. She even took me to the cathedral where she first was presented with the idea of becoming a nun.
I prayed with them. I talked with them. I laughed with them.
These women are real.
Parra's closet is just as messy as mine. Her bookstand displays photos of her and her best friends out for a night on the town.
And despite our very different futures, I have never connected with a source so well. I know journalists aren't supposed to become friends with the subjects of their stories, but I couldn't help it.
Parra is just one of the friends I've gained this semester.
Since December, I have worked with some amazing people — especially Amanda and Nicole, the two girls who have kept me sane. Everyone else was pretty awesome, too.
This is my last semester at SPM. After a year and a half, I've decided to call it quits. I'm moving on and Nicole is moving…to Argentina.
But have no fear, loyal SPM reader. Amanda will be taking over next semester. And I can guarantee you this: she will do an amazing job. I trust her more than anyone to run this publication and you should, too.
Fourteen issues, hundreds of hours, too many inside jokes and one amazing staff kickball game later, I am finished.
I hope you shared our tears, our laughs, our condemnations and our prayers.
Peace be with.