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Though the NBA's regular season is at its end, the debate as to who is this year's most valuable player is just beginning to intensify.

In a battle between Kobe Bryant and Chris Paul for the award, the definition of what constitutes the MVP is being disputed.

Is it simply the best player in the league or perhaps the player who is most vital to his team's success?

Considering that the Lakers would have not thrived this season if they hadn't hijacked Pau Gasol from the Grizzlies, I have to give the nod to Chris Paul simply because he transformed his team, the Hornets, this season. Even with two games left to play, New Orleans has improved by a 16-win margin from a year ago. Plus, Paul makes want to watch basketball.

Kobe, on the other hand, makes me want to punch the person sitting next to me in the face. Not to mention that he's a fraud.

Surfing the Internet on Monday, I came across what I thought was the most stunning YouTube video of all time.

Bryant, after babbling some gibberish about his new shoe atop a parking structure in what looks like downtown Los Angeles, stands in front of an oncoming Aston Martin, only to jump in the air as the car speeds underneath him. Though it's obviously a promotion for shoes, the video seems to show an amazing feat until paused, and it becomes clear that the car is not directly in front of Bryant when he jumps.

Bryant, ironically appearing on ESPN's "Pardon the Interruption" on Monday afternoon, avoided confirming or denying that he actually leaped the vehicle, and instead opted to comment that it's Hollywood, which is exactly what he is — a drama that always disappoints in the end.

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