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Opinions: Boos and Bravos

Boo: to Valentine's Day for dominating this week. Though we love those little Sweethearts candies dearly, we still can't stand this Hallmark holiday, especially since the old elementary school valentine-giving tradition no longer applies. Also, for us in the unattached and bitter population, it's obnoxious to see others' love lives shoved all up in our single faces. So, you know what they say: If you're happy and you know it ... shut the hell up.

Bravo: to the end of the three-month treachery that was the Writers Guild of America strike. We're stoked to see our favorite shows returning (we missed our friends at Dunder Mifflin oh so much) … and to see that the Oscars are back on track … and to see thousands of people going back to work. And, even better yet, we'll have more options than reality TV to pass our time. No, being social or getting exercise or studying more were never viable options.

to people who steal stuff. Thursday's paper told the story of a poor kid who came back to his Hassayampa dorm room (one that he was flooded out of for nine days) only to find he had been robbed. Supposedly, nobody at Residential Life can even help him out after his television, two skateboards and his suitemate's PlayStation (valued at a combined $850) were stolen. Yes, people, this is actually a serious "boo" for a change.

Bravo: to our men's basketball team for beating UA in Tucson last weekend. With that win, the team completed the first full football-basketball sweep of UA since '81-82. In case you are wondering, we skunked them in other spots too — men's and women's cross country, women's soccer and women's volleyball. So now we wonder: If we're still a junior college, does this mean they're a high school?

Boo: to sexually transmitted infections being all over the place. Given the existence of "the clap," it seems natural to give STIs a "bravo." But then the words "redness," "swelling," "burning" and "itching" came to mind and made us come to our senses. Like that, the decision was then made. And don't worry; it went nice and easy and it wasn't too hard (yes, that is indeed what she said).

Bravo: to laptops in class. No matter what SPM said about it this week, Facebook > textbook. By a lot. It's free, it's got pictures of you and your friends rather than pictures of old dead guys, and it actually has dozens of real-world applications. Really, it's just better. Plus, poking someone with a textbook would be just flat-out weird.

Boo: to not having a three-day weekend for President's Day. Not only did we really want a mental health day from school and work, we also wanted to spend this whole weekend paying tribute to our president. Now we just don't feel like it anymore. I guess we'll never be able to answer Stephen Colbert's burning question: George W. Bush — great president or greatest president? What a shame.

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