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Of mice and men: Pendergraph unveiled

The State Press: You were here before Herb Sendek took over, so how key have he and his staff to the entire program?

Jeff Pendergraph: He's been huge. He's promoting a lot of things for us, for the city. He's getting a lot of alumni and the community involved in basketball and things going on around here.

SP: You were outscored 20-0 in the first few minutes of the season opener against Illinois, how far away does that seem now?

JP: It's far, but I'm definitely not forgetting it. That definitely started everything off. If it wouldn't have gone like that, I don't think that we would be where we're at right now.

SP: I know you have a couple of snakes, can you tell us about them?

JP: I have three: Mr. Smithers, Homeslice and Slick Rick.

SP: So are you a big "Simpsons" fan?

JP: No, actually. That's kind of where it came from, but it doesn't look anything like Mr. Smithers — he's kind of fruity. My snake actually looks like the total opposite.

SP: Like a badass?

JP: Yes. It just looks like it'll eat your hand or something. Like if you piss him off, he'll bite your thumb off or something.

SP: What do you feed those guys?

JP: Live rats.

SP: Do you ever feel bad for them?

JP: Hell no, it's like the coolest thing ever. I don't feel bad at all. I go get them and on the ride home, I'm looking at 'em and say "You're going to die."

SP: So no remorse whatsoever?

JP: Uh-uh. I just throw them in the cage and that's it. I just hear them squeak. When I first got the snakes, I thought it was really cool, I would just sit there and watch it. Now I just throw them in there like it's nothing.

SP: Do you think the team bonded during the road trip last weekend to the Bay Area?

JP: I think so. It definitely helped. But we're a close-knit group already, even when we're at home we're always hanging out together. Playing each other in Halo and stuff and talking crazy to each other.

SP: Who's the best Halo player on the team?

JP: Actually, to be honest with you, I think I am. But I haven't played in so long, I'm a Call of Duty fan now. But [sophomore guard] Jerren [Shipp] is probably the best player at Halo.

SP: You can admit that?

JP: Yeah, I can say that. I mean if he wants to be the best player at Halo that's fine, I retired. And I retired on top so it's all good.

SP: Who's the best-dressed person on the team?

JP: Probably [senior guard] Antwi [Atuahene]. He has a style about himself. He has his own style. I don't know, it's interesting. It's just Twi, that's all you can say. I mean we're all pretty snazzy dressers, but Twi has a signature style.

SP: Who's the worst-dressed?

JP: Honestly, probably me. I have the potential to get all dressed up, but that's not really my thing.

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