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Better late than never, NBA commission David Stern has finally made it to town.

Stern is in Arizona today to announce that Phoenix will host the 2009 NBA All-Star Game.

This comes after he skipped his planned visit to the Valley in May during the Western Conference semifinals when he suspended Amaré Stoudemire and Boris Diaw. While cowardly, he was smart to stay out Arizona at the time and it would be best if he continued to do.

Suns fans have hardly forgotten Stern's controversial ruling, and if he thinks awarding Phoenix the All-Star Game will help smooth things over, he's deeply mistaken. Plus, after what happened at last year's game in Las Vegas (see: Jones, Adam and complete mayhem), what kind of "award" is this?

I'm sure Valley residents are really looking forward to experiencing the best the NBA has to offer: fighting, gambling and conspiracy theories.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if at the time of Stern's announcement, the Phoenix Police Department is putting up "Help Wanted" signs.

So thank you David Stern for this fine honor.

Just know that when all of Phoenix is giving you the finger, it's more than just showing you where a championship ring should be.

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