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Opinions: Rally for Obama is a success

Crowds chanted, laughed and booed on Hayden Lawn Friday for what many called, "Oba-mania."

Barack Obama, Illinois senator and democratic candidate for the 2008 presidential nomination, visited ASU's Tempa (oops, I mean Tempe) campus to speak.

Obama's rally attracted 5,800 people to Hayden Lawn, according to

To your average democrat, Obama's stance on war and global warming is everything I wanted to hear from a candidate. But how do we know, unlike many past candidates, that Obama will take initiative to actually make the changes our country needs, instead of simply using these ideals to settle into the White House?

Sure, his speech was convincing, to say the least, but will Obama effectively pull troops out of Iraq safely like he says? Can he address and change issues regarding illegal immigration? Will he gear up Americans, oil companies and car companies and provoke a change toward fuel-efficient products?

Will Obama create an effective health care system to all Americans by the end of his first term like he promises? Will we see these changes and will citizens' lives benefit from these ideals Obama preaches about?

Something so captivating about Obama's campaign is his passion, "to bring about the big change that we want." But his promotion of changing America is a common one among other candidates in the race and seems to be catering to the current, widespread disapproval toward the Bush administration.

As students, adults and even children dispersed from Hayden Lawn once Obama ended his speech, I could tell from the smiles and reactions of the people surrounding me that Obama left an impression on this campus.

By the end of his speech ASU crowds left with more than a crush on Obama, but with a decision to make. Will Obama take power to initiate his changes in America?

Now the tables are turned. Send Lauren your Obama opinions to:

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