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Two and half years ago I thought I had all I could take. The Boston Red Sox were amidst a yearlong love fest following their first World Series win in 86 years and the New England Patriots had just captured their third Super Bowl in four years.

At the time, Boston bravado seemed to be at an all-time high.

That is, until this year.

Unfortunately for the rest of the country, Beantown is bopping again.

The Red Sox are well on their way to another World Series title, the Celtics have transformed their franchise in a blink of an eye with a fury of off-season moves, and the Cheaters — I mean Patriots — are possibly playing the best football. Ever.

Even Boston College is getting in on the fun by climbing to No. 2 in the polls and pulling out a miracle win at Virginia Tech.

But enough is enough, and all of Boston must be stopped.

I urge you to protest by throwing Samuel Adams into Tempe Town Lake.

Because that's what would be truly "wicked awesome."

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