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Opinions: Letters to the Editor

WNBA here to stay

This is in response to Monday's article "Go away WNBA," by Ben Berkley.

You are a sexist PIG. The WNBA may not be your cup of tea, but for us fans it is.

The Mercury has the best chance of bringing a title to Phoenix. I think they are a very talented team and are an exciting team to watch. They will have a title before the Suns.

I can't believe the crap you are saying. The WNBA are role models, not only for little girls, but boys, too. Have you ever even been to a game?

Probably not.

I was at the game Sunday and there was quite a mix of people there supporting the Mercury. Some of the Suns have been to games.

And, yes, I would love to see Dianna take you apart.

I say stick with the Ninja Turtles, that seems to be up to your mentality anyways.

It's too bad that ASU would allow you to print such crap.

With people like you, I say stay the hell off our bandwagon, and let us enjoy the ride the Mercury have been on.

Shelly Fishkind

Longtime Mercury and WNBA fan

Lots of birth control resources

In addition to the resources for contraception mentioned in your article, I would like to make readers aware that the College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation manages a Title X funded family planning clinic about 4 blocks north of the Downtown Campus at 1124 N. 3rd. St. in partnership with the Arizona Family Planning Council and Grace Lutheran Church.

The clinic, Breaking the Cycle, offers free or low cost family planning and other reproductive health services (well woman and well man care, screening for sexually transmitted infections and HIV). For those who earn less than the federal poverty level ($10,210 for a single person), the care and contraception is free. For those who earn more than that, there is a sliding fee scale. There is no documentation required for income and it is based on your income, not that of a parent or guardian. Name brand contraceptive agents such as birth control pills, condoms, intrauterine devices, nuva ring, and Depo-Provera are also available on site (no need to go to a pharmacy) for free or low cost. Pap smears, exams, and evaluations for minor health problems such as urinary tract infections are available.

Protecting yourself from an unplanned pregnancy or from an infection does not have to be expensive. There is more information about Breaking the Cycle and our other four health centers (including the ASU Health Center on the Downtown Phoenix campus) on our website The phone number to contact Breaking the Cycle for an appointment is 602-523-9275.

Denise Link, RNP, DNS Associate Dean for

Clinical Practice

ASU College of Nursing & Healthcare


Crow should treat workers right

As a member of the Arizona State University community, I am frustrated and outraged to hear that the President of ASU, Dr. Michael Crow, has refused to meet with students regarding the unjust labor practices of Great Western Erectors (GWE).

In 2005, during the construction of the Hassayampa Village dormitories at ASU, I was a part of the group of students who learned about the injustices suffered by GWE workers. After speaking with these young men, we worked hard to bring the abuses they were suffering to the attention of the ASU administration.

At the request of Dr. Crow himself, we spent months developing a set of principles that were intended to prevent the university from ever hiring this kind of company in the future. Yet, last fall a project associated with ASU again had GWE on its construction site.

I am appalled that my tax dollars and the name of my university are contributing in any way to the inhumane treatment of fellow Arizonans. It is terrible and unacceptable not to provide workers water or safety equipment on the jobsite. It is clear that Dr. Crow, as the President of the New American University, should do the right thing, meet with students and workers, and end the use of public money to support a company that devalues its work force so severely.

Sara Myklebust

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