Attacks on Wade unfair;
ignorant of
global warming debate
Poor Hilary Wade.
I don't know her, but was glancing at the letters to the editor and couldn't help but notice the attacks. Poor girl.
In her article, she simply stated "we need to have a fair, honest debate in this country on global warming - a debate that appears to be a work in progress" - and was called by Ben Allen "dishonest" and compared to a "five-year-old" by Jeremiah Scott.
It seems like Scott and Allen are the "Kool-Aid drinkers" here.
In their arguments, Wade is painted as a simple-minded conservative who hates the environment, loves Jesus and kicks Santa's elves. Go back, reread her article and then decide who is simple-minded.
She is interested in an open forum where the different views can be discussed, while both of your interests lie only in tossing her under the fuel-efficient electric bus.
Listen, the Earth used to be covered by ice, now its not, and Moses since wasn't rolling around in a Hummer clearing a mere 11 miles to the gallon.
I think I'll wait before I buy whatever Gore is selling. By the way fellas, how is he getting here? Private jet? Nice and fuel efficient - a real trooper for global warming.
Jesus bless (oops!).
Arone Kolodinhauzer
Make every building
an advertisement
In his letter to the editor in Wednesday's The State Press, Jonathan Miller is absolutely right when he suggests selling the names of all the buildings on campus for money.
All the buildings on campus should be renamed. Once again, I suggest to this university that all buildings be put up for corporate sponsorship or private sponsorship.
This university cannot afford to name things after people who don't make financial contributions! OK, so sometimes it is nice to honor people, but can't we at least sell the naming rights of the buildings named after people who are dead?
Trust me, they don't care anymore. They really didn't care when they were alive.
I guarantee students will have an easier time finding buildings named after products they use. Just imagine walking along listening to your iPod on the way to the iLibrary.
Robert Benscoter
DREAM Act needs
more coverage
When I had hopes that The State Press would publish an unbiased article on Prop 300, I was sorely let down. The article "ASU to check aid forms for citizenship" was informative, but badly finished. Bagwell's opinion at the end diminished the objectivity of the article.
I'm exhausted in reading the uneducated opinions of students regarding Prop 300 and the DREAM Act. Immigration reform and the situation children and students are in cannot be discussed with the same arguments.
Perhaps The State Press can write a piece pro-DREAM Act and anti-DREAM Act to educate students before they interview them. I only hope the writers are intelligent and professional enough to do it. If it's done that way, I bet that would change the opinions of many students.
Daniel Rodriguez