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Police Beat

ASU police reported the following incidents Friday:

A 39-year-old Carson City, Nev., man was arrested Thursday evening outside ASU's Business Administration building on charges of disorderly conduct and trespassing.

The man, riding a red bicycle near Forest Avenue and Lemon Street, was screaming profanities, police reported.

He reportedly rode to the Business Administration C-Wing building, parked his bike and started to confront a male student.

He allegedly looked like he was going to assault the student, and police yelled at him not to move.

The officer used his Taser, the man hit the ground and was handcuffed, police reported.

As police tried to get the man in the patrol car, he reportedly had a strong odor of alcohol. He allegedly screamed a number of obscenities.

Upon arrival at the police station, he allegedly said he had a pre-existing blood clot on his pelvis.

Tempe paramedics were called to evaluate him, and he was transported to Tempe St. Luke's Hospital, police reported.

As he was wheeled out to the ambulance, he allegedly shouted obscenities at the firefighters and paramedics.

He was previously warned not to trespass on ASU's property on June 2, police reported.

A 21-year-old Mesa man was arrested Tuesday evening on Williams Campus Loop West near Lot 30 on charges of driving with a suspended driver's license.

A silver Honda Civic allegedly exited Lot 30 without stopping at the stop sign and was pulled over.

When asked for his driver's license and registration, the man said his license was suspended in connection with a DUI incident in Tempe, police reported.

Police reportedly asked him to park his car in the nearby driving-range parking lot due to his suspended license.

Tempe police reports were not available for release Friday.

Reports compiled by Jeff Mitchell. Reach the reporter at

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