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Police Beat

ASU police reported the following incidents Thursday:

A 29-year-old Mesa man was arrested Friday morning on the 800 block of South Forest Avenue on charges of trespassing.

At about 4 a.m. a police aide reportedly saw three suspicious men near a bicycle rack at 1151 S. Forest Ave.

The aide reportedly suspected them of stealing a bicycle and they headed northbound on Forest Avenue.

An officer caught up with one of the men, police reported.

The man reportedly said he was not an ASU student and not stealing a bicycle, only a bicycle part.

He allegedly said he was not the owner of the bicycle and thought it was abandoned.

He agreed to a search of his backpack and the officer found tools and the bicycle part, police reported.

The bicycle he took the part from reportedly could not be located.

Tempe police reported the following incidents Wednesday:

A 35-year-old Phoenix man was arrested Tuesday morning at Escalante Park, 2150 E. Orange St., on charges of violating a city park curfew.

Three men were reportedly tending to a fire on a park barbecue, but it was past park curfew.

The officer handed citations to each man and two of the men signed the citation, police reported.

The 35-year-old man reportedly refused to sign the citation and said "[Expletive] you" to the officer.

Police have warned the 35-year-old man of breaking park curfew in the past, police reported.

He was reportedly grilling a bagel in the park.

A 32-year-old transient man was arrested Monday evening on charges of aggravated assault of an officer.

The man reportedly spit saliva in an officer's face while in Tempe Jail for a previous arrest.

The officer required medical attention from St. Luke's Hospital, police reported.

A 22-year-old Tempe man was arrested Tuesday evening on the 1000 block of East Eighth Street on charges of disorderly conduct.

The man "seriously" disrupted the peace by throwing beer bottles from the balcony of his apartment at people walking by and yelling profanities, police reported.

Reports compiled by Jeff Mitchell. Reach the reporter at:

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